Parapara Books

Parallel Texts
Parapara Books is a parallel text publishing house. Our books enable readers to enjoy their favourite classics in two languages.
‘Para’ comes from the Greek prefix, meaning ‘side by side’ which is exactly how our texts are presented. Each story is mirrored, in another language, on the opposite page so readers can translate back and forth.
Parapara Books exist as much for learning as they do for pleasure.

Where & Who
Books can be bought here at our website, ordered from any shop internationally, or sold online via Waterstones, AbeBooks, Amazon, and Blackwell's, amongst others.
Parapara Books was set up by Londoner Natasha Vavere, living in Düsseldorf, with the help of her friends, and some great businesses!
Buy The Picture of Dorian Gray/Le Portrait de Dorian Gray (English/Français)
Where can I buy a Parapara Book?
Parapara Books are available here at our online shop straight from the publisher, your local bookshop can easily order them in, or check on Waterstones, AbeBooks, Amazon, and Blackwell's, The Book Depository.
Can I order Parapara Books internationally?
Yes, you can order them from any bookshop with the ISBN number (just check on our books' pages) or we deliver to any address in the world, the postage & packaging is the same whether you order from Sweden or Swaziland.
How do you choose your books?
Parapara Books want to print loved classics, unloved classics, and unrecognised literature. Eventually at Parapara we would like to print new writing, especially literature from countries and cultures which are not so common on western bookshelves. The sharing of languages and cultures is an important part of Parapara Books' creative mission.
How long will it take my books to arrive?
To Germany 2 - 4 days, to Europe 3 - 5 days, and internationally 5 - 10 days.
Do you sell book tokens?
Not as yet, but hopefully from September 2016
The translation isn't accurate, there are some words which are old fashioned, can you change them?
As is written in the first pages of every book: many of these stories and translations were written in the 19th century or previous, be aware of the rich differences in language and the appearance of words which may not be in common use today. Try to see differences as historical quirks and enjoy them!